Friday, November 25, 2005

the bagel issue

early on to our stay in virginia, our second day to be exact, we realized that brayn had gotten us not higbie bagels, but counterfeits. needless to say we plotted many not-so-gentle ways of payback to him for this as lauren had left him a four page note specifying that he was to buy us higbie bagels or else. we tried calling him at 12 in the afternoon over and over, because he would be asleep still, and the ringing phone waking him up is something he hates. lucky him optimum shut off our phone service for the day. so then when he arrived last night, we thought about positioning the large bag of uneaten bagels above the door so that when he walked in he would be hit with a reminder of his failure. we decided this wouldnt end well. our second idea was to hurl bagels at him as he walked up the sidewalk....that fell through as well. we also thought about locking him out and then hiding in the office room to watch them suffer in the cold. we finally decided upon leaving the bag on the stoop with a note pinned to it that read "we want higbie bagels". he *cough* didnt seem to notice. dont you just love the ball family?


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