Sunday, June 17, 2007

school's out. <--woot woot!

school is out=)

but before i rejoice, i have a story regarding the wonderful and brilliant teachers of west islip schools...
so we're taking finals last week. and two regents. so the whole regents thing is that they give you two hours that you have to stay for, and an extra one if you need to finish. but you can't leave until the second hour is over. and of course almost everyone in class finishes with an entire hour left before we can leave. so we're all chilling out, since apparently reading or drawing on scrap paper for a while so you don't go insane is against new york state law. and our proctor starts getting pissed that we're so fidgety. so when our teacher comes in, he tells the proctor to just tell us to shut up. so now our teacher leaves again, and our proctor, who between you and i didn't seem to be the brightest of persons, goes, 'come on guys, just--just chill out. put your heads down and go to sleep for half an hour!'
so of course none of us do that, we all just sit there and stare at her. so she says it again, and still no one pretends to sleep. it's like, are you kidding me? first of all, we're all wired on sugar and worry right now; secondly, our teachers have spent all freaking year screaming at us for falling asleep in class. and that is an entire other post within itself, because you don't want to get me started on sleep deprivation and stupid, insensitive teachers.
anyway, so our teachers have spent all year screaming at us for sleeping, so i think it's safe to say that we are all scared crapless of falling asleep in the school building. it's like if every time you tried to get a cookie from the jar, you were exposed to minor electrocution. and now someone is trying to convince you that that won't happen this time. even if they're right, do you really want to chance it?
on top of us being too afraid to fall asleep in class, has she noticed this is the fucking regents?! the rest of our high school, college, and actual career depends upon how we did on those papers on her desk. we have spent all week preparing for this, worrying about it, studying madly; does she really think now is the best time to be telling us to sleep?! how the hell does she expect us to?
so again, we all just stare at her. and finally she tones it down to that annoying thing where she repeats the sleep idea to us on five minute intervals. so we spent all of our time glaring at her and drawing on the desks.

the end.

well not really. the end of story. i really have an issue with complaining, don't i? that's not good. i should work on that. i have all summer now.

oh whoa. it just hit me that it's summer. i mean , hit me. i had obviously known before now, but i guess the full force of that statement is only reaching me now. has that ever happened to anyone else? like your brain just had a mini explosion? or, when i try to comprehend the full idea of infinity. a big explosion?
yeah. so.....i have to go do teenager stuff.....and summery stuff.........t'will be a good time. =)

-later, my sancho pansas.

(tee hee.)
((that was my orch-dorkyness coming out. whoops.))


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