Tuesday, January 20, 2009


obama is our president!
wooo for the end of the 8-year global shit-storm!
just think: george w. bush never, ever has to make another decision regarding the future of our country. gitmo is closing, the war in the middle east is being looked at and reviewed for the first time in months, alternative energy is being actively researched and discussed with every intention of establishing a new source of fuel for the very near future, the economy and social security, though still fucked, might actually have a chance, and today america made history! today we made a black man our president, and we broke the mold for stuffy old white guys that care more about their share in the oil companies than the people they're supposed to be looking out for. today we reminded the world what america, as a country, as a home, as an idea, stands for, and will continue to stand for; everyone is welcome and everyone can have a voice. and despite what some people may argue, the american people were in bad shape; even if this doesn't work out the way everyone wants it to, even if all the things that are supposed to be accomplished aren't, we needed this. people were more excited and involved in this election than they've been in a long time. it got people thinking, and talking, and debating, and fact-checking and researching and caring, some for the first time in their lives. it gave people something to fight for, whether they were with or against obama, and in the end, the candidate that shows that america has agreed to face the future head-on, and tackle the prejudices and misconceptions that still exist therein was the one that won, and i am so happy about it.
i cannot be thankful enough that i was alive to see the day when something this monumental happened, and i am going to remind myself as much as possible not to take it for granted, no matter what.
the feeling in the country right now is this weird mixture of renewed hope and electricity and anxiety and inexpressible joy and amazement. and i wouldn't want to be anywhere else but in america right now.


Blogger lauren williams said...

yeah!!!!! right now rocks.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Black President!!!!!!

6:39 PM  
Blogger just amodern girl... said...

wooooooo hooooooo!!!!

8:36 PM  

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