Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ali say whaaat

so! this week (or last week; i'm not really sure which lol) marks my one-year anniversary of being an xbox live member! i know; i'm a loser=) a lot has happened in the past year because of this membership; both good and strange. i've learned the awkwardness of being a girl on xbox, and all of the potentially scarring but mostly hysterical experiences that go along with it(nerds are desperate. seriously.) but i've also met a bunch of really interesting people, from all over the country and the world, who have taught me that actually, stereotypes are often true lmao. and from all of these people, i've managed to make a few lasting acquaintances, who i shall hereby call my xbox nerds=) (yes, that smiley face counts as part of the name.) this group are the best call of duty/halo/left4dead players i've met (well sort of anyway), and they come with the added ability to always make me laugh. we have good times while we virtually murder zombies and nazis, and nazi-zombies.
one of my favorite things about xbox is that you get to talk to people who live all over the world; i take it for granted now (but it is pretty funny to listen to my friends say 'voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?', since that's the only french they know, when we get the angry french people in our lobby; they tend to get angrier after that;), but it's probably one of the coolest ideas ever. i've spoken to people from england, scotland, ireland, canada, france, belgium, denmark, wales, germany, australia, and japan. and of course there's some serious cultural diffusion going on; thanks to me, the word "guido" is making its way across Washington, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia, Canada, Scotland, and probably England.=)
and if there's one thing i've learned, it's that ALL of these people, however far away they live from each other or however different their lives are, ALL of them hate obnoxious little 12 year olds who scream lame insults at you and go on and on about how they're the shit and if you try and tell them to shut the fuck up, they call you a pedophile. everyone hates those kids. but seriously, what kind of parent lets their 12 year old scream "fuck you" to a bunch of people they don't know?! the shitty kind.

anyways, the moral of my rambling is that nerds are nerds, but they're also awesome in their special nerdy way. and without certain ones, my life wouldn't have nearly as many hysterical little stories to tell. i've gained some good ones and lost some good ones and gained some more great ones; there's a couple that i wonder who the fuck they are and how they got on my friends list, and there's even a few that i wonder why i talk to at all sometimes, but then i remember how much they make me laugh despite their weirdness=) and of course there's a select few that i immediately clicked with and even though it's only been a few months it feels like we've been friends for years, and these are the ones that make playing xbox worthwhile.
so, happy one year xbl anniversary to me! i hope this next year sees these friendships continuing and maybe even some new ones? nah i don't really need any more lol.

oh, and i changed my gamertag! theFullmetal001, though loved much, is now gone. it served me infallibly, but it was time to move on. to take its place is my new and improved gamertag "ali say whaaat", which i feel gives off more of my personality (mainly awesomeness), and didn't require me to add numbers to make it unique. woooo! this is the dawning of a new era!=) lmfao i know i know, i'm a nerd. but i'm a cute nerd so it's chill lmao;)
and happy inauguration day!!!! wooooooooooooooooooo!=D yes we did!!!


Blogger Charles said...

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2:51 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Sorry about the blank comment there.

Anyway, happy anniversary. You reminded me how amazing xbox live really is.

Can't wait til you get to leave LI for school and actually meet people from all over the world. You're going to love it.

2:59 PM  
Blogger ali said...

i know i'm so excited!!!=D

3:28 PM  
Blogger ali said...

actually i just went over all my scheduling for next year with my guidance counselor and it's all set; i'm taking all half-year courses with my graduation set for january of 2010=) and when i explained the plan to her she even said that i should def put that all down on my college applications, because they're looking for people that aren't just run-of-the-mill, so the travel stuff should actually help me a lot with getting in! lol=)

5:41 PM  

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