Thursday, January 15, 2009

guns, Giants, and tofu!=)

dude, what the FUCK is going on in our country?
seriously, this has obviously been going on for like a really long time, but get this:
in Texas, and i think Georgia and South Carolina, and plenty of other states that we New Yorkers generally attempt to pretend don't exist, it's legal to carry an exposed side-arm as long as you are eighteen or older. no permit necessary. so say i happen to acquire a Texas liscense, in 10 and a half months, in Texas, i could decide to go to the mall or something, and decide i feel like bringing my handgun along for the ride. i mean, how isn't that a good idea? it's not like something absolutely horrific could happen by giving an 18-year old a gun or anything.
so far, this is the argument i've recieved from someone who lives in one of these states and does, in fact, excercise his "second amendment rights":
"well what if i go to a bank and the bank's being robbed? i just pull out my sidearm; problem solved."
yeah because i'm sure it's not the ridiculously lax gun laws that made it so easy for the "bank robbers" to acquire the guns in the first place.
and somehow i just have the tiniest inkling of uncertainty regarding a regular citizen's ability, wielding a gun, to react correctly in a high-pressure situation. i'm sure if you want to be able to carry the gun around, the State makes you go through some kind of basic training with it, but guess what? i went through basic training of how to defend myself by breaking a 200lb man's arm if need-be, and at this point i'm pretty goddamn sure that if it ever came down to it, i would have no fucking clue how to break that guy's arm in real life.
just because the second amendment, which i might add was written like 230 years ago, says you have the "right" to "bear" arms, doesn't mean it's that great of an idea to waltz around town, doing your grocery shopping and going to the post office with a gun strapped to your belt "just in case". in actuality, the second amendment was written so that, at the time, should the country (which was constantly threatened and unstable in it's youth) ever be invaded by England (again) or any other (mostly)European nation, its citizens would be able to defend themselves and their lands without having to be hanged five years later because, even though they weren't in the colonial army, they shot some redcoat that was raping and murdering their family. i kind of doubt that the founding fathers really wanted people to be so casual about going about their daily lives with guns along for the ride. i mean, do these people understand what guns do? they kill people. they were made for taking lives.
i'm not advocating that we take all guns away from plain citizens, that would be naive and ridiculous; guns have their uses, i might decided to own a gun someday myself, and if it makes a person feel safer or whatever to own one than go for it, but don't carry it when taking a run out to the store; i'm pretty sure we can agree that the chance of someone deciding to rob that exact store at that exact time are slim to none, and it's really just an excuse to, i don't know, look "cool" or something? and jesus, make some legislation that makes it, you know, a little bit more difficult to legally acquire one, rather than just stopping in at wal-mart to get dinner for later and, oh yeah, a new gun. that's right, wal-mart son. even just requiring a goddamn permit would help.
america freaks me out sometimes.

oh and what the fuck happened to the Giants?! damnit Eli, you had one job to do! just one! and i defended you to the very last, even when you were down 12 fucking points with three minutes left, because you pulled it off last year! but no. not this year.
i mean, for christ's sake, we had like the worst decade ever up until last year; i think that deserves two superbowls in a row. grrrrr.

haha and check out tofu; he's my virtual tiger!=) if you click on him he purrs, and he follows the cursor around and swats at it. and in the little "more" tab, there's a steak for him to eat lol. AND if he crouches down and you put the cursor or his steak in front of him, he pounces on it lmao. yeah he's pretty awesome, and ironically, isn't, as his name implies, meat free=)


Blogger Charles said...

You just made my day Alison! You continue to prove to be the most intelligent, grounded teenager of all time.

And if any of your RedNeck friends want to have this debate with you again. Let them know that you are 22 times (I looked it up) more likely to injure yourself or a family member with your "protection" than you are to thwart a crime.

8:22 AM  
Blogger lauren williams said...

you rock, alison. no question! oh, and i went right ahead and adopted my pet purple porcupine, roy. he's awesome! him and tofu should hang, although it could get a little messy... and prickly...

11:26 AM  
Blogger ali said...

ha! i told them that, but their rednecky-ness won out and they managed to throw me off-point with ridiculous success stories. but it's ok; if they shoot themselves i get to be the one to say i told you so=)
and roy rocks my socks!=)

4:25 PM  
Blogger lauren williams said...

if you click roy three times he turns into a ball and rolls all around! wow. i think i want a bat as well.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Any success story is just anecdotal evidence which is worthless and they were probably lying anyway.

7:08 PM  
Blogger ali said...

yeah they're hicks; they never really make any legitimate points. yeah and i love the face roy makes when he jumps in the air! it's the cutest thing ever!=)

9:11 PM  

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