Saturday, December 10, 2005

the day after birthday was pretty good. Narnia rocked ass, man! the kid who played Peter was so. freakin. hot! omg, if i can't have tom, im marrying him! lol. but as for dinner at rockafeller center, i never *ever* want to see pumpkin soup again. ever. i swear. i will honestly kill someone cruelly and unusually if they try to feed me pumpkin soup. and for anyone who cares, the food at the Rock Center Cafe sucks ass man. im still recovering from the aforementioned pumpkin soup and what little penne (or however you spell it) i had. i wouldn't eat anything today until 3:30 pm. on a brighter note, i got three cd's with a b-day bestbuy gift card today; Led Zeppelin: Early Days and Latter Days; The Who:The Ultimate Collection; and The Killers: Hot Fuss: Limited Edition. They all rock. and i scored brownies and a barnes&noble gift card (snap!) from Karolyne and Kristen and Karen and Kevin. and madre got me earings and this special facial care get-rid-of-pimples stuff from the Body Shop, and new jeans. and padre got me a Narnia calendar. which i mite add has two pix of the Peter guy in it! and i also got this realli pretty jewelry box...and thats it 4 now. we're down to 6 days in the countdown to my birthday *partii*! :) im soooo excited! kk, more lata mayb! <3 ~ali**


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