Wednesday, September 20, 2006

yeah, the world might end.

i have some very disturbing news for you all. really, this could change the course of the world forever. are you ready?
.....i think............................
........tom felton...............................................................
...................might be gay.
i know i know it's crazy, he's way to gorgeous and i might commit suicide if and when he decides to come out, but i think it might be true. just because, in one last, futile attempt to see if he had updated his blog yet (which he hasn't, making it a year and six days since his last post, the preoccupied bastard) and so i happened to re-read his last post (yes, the one from last septmeber...) and way down at the bottem, it said, " -tom x". now, i put to you this question, name one boy who isn't gay or bi, or, even, affeminate, that you think would put the slang letter for 'kisses' next to his name for all the world to see.
yes, that is my argument.
which means, i might have to completely take him off my list of elligable celebrities to marry, and focus completely on david anders, and perhaps, on occasion, side with elena by staring at a shirtless (and incredibly gorgeous) david beckham on her agenda cover.

and, as it were, this is exactly the same picture that's on elena's agenda.

and that's david anders. we know, he's fricken gorgeous.

peace, peoples.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omgomgomg! they are SOOO gorgeous. However... ali<3... I HATE YOU AND ILL HUNT YOU DOWN!!!

5:56 PM  

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