Sunday, July 23, 2006

re: excuse me, but what the hell is going on?

just thought i should say this before i go to bed, and dont let the screwed up clock on this site fool you, it's almost midnight, and i have been up til like 4:30 all week as it is, and today i had to wake up at 11:30, and that may seem late to some of you, but consider this : 1.) I went to bed at 4:30 2.)it was a sunday in the middle of the summer 3.) obviously if you can wake up earlier than that, you go to bed at a semi-decent hour, and quite frankly, that's embrassing to me. we're teenagers people! it's practically our job to be rebelliously lazy. and 4.) it's not my fault that you obviously don't appreciate good television, because adultswim is only on after 11, and all the shows that i actually watch by them, i.e. fullmetal alchemist, aqua teens, family guy, s-cry-ed, futurama, cowboy bebop, and even occasionally samauri champloo, are on at exceedingly late hours. all right, so family guy, fullmetal alchemist, and futurama are all on between 11 and 12, but still, what about when the same episode replays between 2 and 3? do you expect me to only watch it once?!
*sigh*. that we are completly off-track, what was this about again? me a minute..............
(lightbulb appears and i snap my fingers)
right! i was going to talk about a previous post.
in response to my post a few months ago directed towards my siblings as to where exactly t. stewart on a popsicle stick ended up, i have learned of it.
i am sorry to say that t. stewart on a popsicle stick, the sole reason that t. stewart won the thanksgiving race (do you think any of the other racers are on a popsicle stick?! no, i didnt think so.), has been.............submerged!
yes, it is true. the beloved figure, long residing (since thanksgiving at least) in a potted plant in the living room of aimee's house, was first moved outside. and then, to the horror of myself, and hopefully a few others, was the victim of a fateful accident, in which the plant he lived in was drenched, in the process of being watered, and t. stweart o.a.p.s. sank into the muddy depths of the pot, not to be recovered. indeed, we will mourn him. but i am removing myself of any more responsibility regarding t. stewart winning or losing races, as it was not my fault that he is no longer on a popsicle stick. that being said, perhaps we can make a t.s.o.a.p.s. nombre deux.
so, i thought i ought to just follow up on that, since i made a point of asking the other day. to bed, early day tomorrow, especially if i want to be home in time for fullmetal alchemist, which, in a rare time slot only used on mondays, is on at 12:30. and s-cry-ed is on at 1. not that you guys care, since you can all apparently wake up before 11:30 a.m!
♥ you guys anyways.....
peace out,


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