Thursday, July 13, 2006


people....i am beginning to worry. the no-duh and duh crazes are on the return. what am i referring to, you ask? well, let's go back a few years, shall we? it's around 1998. my fellow 14 year olds, we were in second grade at the time. the duh craze was sweeping across the nation, closley followed by "no-duh", which, as you may remember, was only used when someone said something really stupid. well, looking back on that time in my life, i recall that i, too, took part in saying those two phrases, and now i see just how very illiterate that made me sound.

Random figurehead from my past: "Hey, did you hear? The pet rabbit from down the hall got out again!"
Me: No-duh.

do you see? how does that make me sound? not very intelligent. well, that was 7 years ago, at least. But now, the reason i have started this post: it's back.
The first signs were seen only a few months ago; "duh" began appearing in aim conversations, away messages.....even profiles. and now, well, you can only imagine the extent of it's influence nationally. if we arent careful, we could be looking at a "duh" epidemic, but on a global scale. so i am asking you, my few readers, please, do all you can to prevent such things from happening., not duh. yeah......"uh"........*sigh* you know what? scratch that, that's just as bad. poo. just dont say duh, how about that. yes.....right......


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