Thursday, October 12, 2006

i pity the foo.

yeah, so who's heard about Mr. T recently?
seems he's starting his own reali-T-show.
'i pity the foo!' it's called.

awesome commercials, though, i have to say.

'12 items or less is not a suggestion, foo!'

because, as mr. t has so graciously taught us on many occasions, and is now advertising in his line of commercials;
'because in every city, there be foos! to pity!'

on another, slightly more political note (not that i don't think mr. t announcing a reality tv show has a large impact on politics.....yeah, i'm sure mark foley copy-cats in government will be extra careful to cover their tracks from now on; with mr. t pitying fools everywhere......), is it true oprah is planning to run for president?

because if this is true, that definitley speeds up the 'let's-migrate-to-europe-so-we-don't-suffer-from-our-president's-stupidity-and-total-lack-of-knowledge-about-international-curture-any-longer-and-besides-they-have-better-food-there' week. although i'm sure oprah has an excellent record about knowing international culture and customs....then again, she reads off a teleprompter.
on top of that, i'm not at all comfortable with how she might handle a crisis.
CNN: Yes, America is in serious trouble.
President Oprah: People, people, it's okay. It's okay. I'm Oprah. It's okay. Here, here, someone get these people some free cars! Free cars, everyone! See? Everything's fine! What? don't wan't the ca-.....? Ok! You know what, even better! Here's tickets for everyone to my annual Legends Ball! Free tickets for everyone! You cannot get these on the street, people!

As jule put it in english this morning,
Oprah: It's okay, all right? It's o- It's fine! It's.....everything's fine; i baked these little cupcakes with ducks on them! Everything will be just fine. Missles? pssh.

Yeah. Cook for president! yes! Dane Cook! we could just make jokes about crises then; at least everyone would die happy.

Except for me. Because I'd be in Europe getting fat.


Blogger lauren williams said...

i am so glad that mr. t is back out in the world pitying fools. we have surely missed him. and no, 12 items or less is not a suggestion. indeed.

now, about this halloween party thing...i'm gonna have to talk to mom and get the overview. am i going to have to be responsible for things? because i don't like that. i like as little responsiblity as possible. we'll talk. till then...

boo dane cook for president! hooray beer!

2:19 PM  
Blogger lauren williams said...

oh, and i think you guys are getting oprah confused with martha stewart. oprah ain't baking anyone cupcakes. she'd make a good president. she could have doctor phil sit down with any megalomaniacal world leaders and talk it out.

"are you here to make excuses, kim jong-il, or are you here to make a change? you gotta plug in!"

2:23 PM  

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