Tuesday, October 03, 2006

when i assume power as a world dictator sometime in the future, something's being done about this.

ok, it's official. i fucking hate the Matrix Revolutions. hate it. hate it hate it hate it.
excerpt from my current away message:

are you fucking kidding me?! first, they have to go and burn out keanu reeves' gorgeous eyes, which is bad enough, and now they decide to kill trinity?! and it's not even like its some kick ass death! she didn't even go out with a bang, like.....fighting the machines 100 to 1....or 2, rather, since Neo's with her, i mean, she deserved like....slow-mo or something at least! instead, she dies with a bunch of wire-thingys thru her because neo and his dumb ass 'fire vision' told her to crash their ship thru the goddamned machine city! they can't kill trinity that way! its a pussy way to die! i mean, come on, must i repeat it again?! she rode a ducati against traffic down a new york freeway wearing a black leather suit while being chased by ghosty things and agents, all the while wearing 6 inch stiletto heals. obviously, she shouldn't be that easy to kill! oh fuck this. fucking hate you matrix revolutions. you killed trinity. and you burnt out fucking keanu reeves' eyes. bastards.

and that's not even the worst. because now i've finished watching it, and i have to say, that was the cheesiest ending ever. a sunrise. a fucking sunrise. what happened?! Matrix-- kick ass. best movie ever. better then v for vendetta. Matrix Reloaded-- pretty good considering it was a sequel. and not just any sequel, so there was a lot to live up to. And now this movie. And the worst part is that at the end, you have no idea what happened to neo, and the last time you see him his eyes are still burnt out, which is not how i would prefer to remember him. And what is up with the plot line?! they could have done way better. there are so many things that don't make sense and it's pissing me off. like, how can the machines just suddenly declare peace and agree to let all the humans go?! what are they supposed to live off of then?! i mean, that was the entire point of the first two movies, and now bam! it turns out that all it takes is for neo to walk up there and be like, 'all i want is peace, and i'll take smith out.' what the hell?! the machines need the power people generate to survive! they can't just let them go!
fucking hate this movie.


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