Thursday, January 01, 2009


i always thought the new year was supposed to be about starting fresh, but i'm starting to realize that people find it less exerting to remain in a pointless existence, where they have a reason to complain. apparently it's much easier to say you're going to change and not actually follow through with it, instead taking the opprotunity to blame other people and bitch and moan about how much life sucks for you and how clearly it's going to continue to suck for the next year, and the one after that. but so help me god, don't you people understand that if all you do is complain, yeah, guess what, life's going to keep on sucking. and like always, the rest of us have to sit and listen to the same story we've heard a hundred times over from you, and i'm sure we'll here at least hundred more. so wake the fuck up and change yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you, and it makes me sick to have to listen to all these "resolutions" and know that come tomorrow, nothing will have changed. they've been forgotten, without a second glance.
ugh i'm pissed.
and sorry i know i switched over to using "you" at some point; all of you reading just disregard that, ha, it's not aimed at you. just needed to keep it going once i started flipping out and writing it down.
happy 2009.


Blogger lauren williams said...

hell yeah alison! that is a really strong indicator that you need to get out of long island, as that is where people like that love to remain, forever, complaining and miserable. but freedom shall soon be yours! whoo hoo!

2:42 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

You've really got your head screwed on straight for a teenager. It must be hard to deal with those people constantly. Get the fuck out of there as soon as possible!

8:08 AM  

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