Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Concerts and Recounted Field Trips......

well....in less than an hour im expected to be at my middle school to put on a "holiday concert"*cough this "holiday" shit is pointless cough*. and yet here i am.....posting this for you.....which is more or less my sisters........but who really cares?! well.......since im already here, i've decided to tell you about my french field trip. here....this is off my buddy4u...:
::on the bus::
me: HOT BOYS!!!!!!!
michelle*2 minutes later*: What?
Me: There were hot guys.
Michelle: WHERE?!?!?!?!1
Me: I...um....said that like 2 minutes ago.
Michelle: WHERE ARE THE GUYS?!?!?!?!
Me: They walked past already.
Michelle: Oh. Were they hot?
Me: What did i say?
Michelle: Oh....right.....well....were they?
Me: YES!
Michelle: Oh damn. I missed them.
Michelle: Oh...yeah...right.

::at the rEsTaUrAnT:
Me: *turning around* snap! the winery is in the room behind us!
Michelle: WHERE?!
Kerri: You two are alcholics.
Me: You've never had alcohol....? Michelle: Ali, it's liquor, okay?
Me: Whatever.
Kerri:Of course I've had alcohol!
Michelle: Kerri, your basement is a freakin bar!
Gabby: yeah, i mean, you open the fridge and there's like beer and shit.
Me: It's not shit, Gab.
Michelle: You know who makes good beer? Corona.
Me: I prefer Budweiser. But Corona's pretty good. Or Sam Adams.
Kerri: Mike's Hard Lemonade is really good.
Gabb: I always wanted to try that!
Me: I actually prefer wine to beer. Maybe vodka.
Michelle: Oooooh! I like white wine.
Me: Red.
Kerri: Alcoholics.
yeah.....so....that was a really funny trip......we were like cracking up the whole time....and @ the restaurant we all did cheers, right? and sarah missed it so like a minute later, kerri already has her cup at her mouth and sarah smashes her cup into the back of kerri's and kerri starts like choking on soda and we were all hysterical laughing. oh my god it was so funny. k, well, thats all for now....<3 ali!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're going to need to rethink this.

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I raised you better than Budweiser.

8:00 AM  

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