Sunday, December 18, 2005

Pixie Stix - The 8th Grade Crack Equivalent

Well. This is the post where Ali describes her Birthday/Sleepover in great and pointless detail. exactly twenty-four hours of sleep later. i have to say, all in all, it went pretty well. but there were a"mishaps". So i shall start with the party's start at 4:30 pm on Friday.
Friday, December 16, 4:30 pm, EST:
After and hour and a half of preparation with Kristen, Kerri, and Michelle, people started to arrive. All fifteen of them. Presents piled up, and it got steadily louder downstairs. First thing we listened to was Under Pressure. Because David Bowie and Freddie Mercury are the man. Men. Mans. whatever. ok. so....then, you know, as we ingest frighteningly large amounts of soda, we break out the pixie stix, the skittles and sour skittles, m&ms, cheese doodles, chips and salsa, and, of course, m&m cookies! but mostly just the pixie stix. because everyone loves pixie stix. in fact, cora was telling me on thursday that she had been talking to Emily and asked her what we would do at the party. Emily replied, "In Ali's mind, anything." My answer to cora was, "She's right. All we need are Pixie Stix and a lighter." So once again, we broke out the pixie stix and were happily giving two to everyone, when Joelle showed up and decided to take fifty. So now she's walking around with fifty, randomly handing them out to people. It had to be like an hour into the party and i was like talking to someone i think, when amanda comes over to me and goes, "Ali, i ummm, spilled some soda...." So she takes me over to the table where the drinks are, and theres this little puddle around her cup. It wasn't huge so i didn't flip out. I ask her "Ok. How'd you spill it?" And get this, she goes, "I...ummm.....poured a pixie stick in it....." Ok. I am going to be very calm in saying this. Very calm. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!?!?! ok. im good. don't worry amanda, we love you anyway. even though it does scare me slighlty that someone would pour pixie stick into their soda. so. back to the story. so we finish cleaning up the spill and we're standing there, making sure we didn't miss any, when joelle, who still has like, twenty pixie stix left, comes over and goes, "What happened?" so i go, "We had a bit of a pixie stick issue." so she gpes "Oh." and she proceeds to take two of her pixie sticks and pour them into amanda's coke. rite after we told her this. w. t. f?! so i like screamed at her. but it didnt overflow this time, which was good. so now im looking around and i notice i dont see kerri and chelle. so I go upstairs to find that they turned on my computer and are playing SimCity, which they proceed to tell me is only because they couldn't find The Sims2. Very comforting friends i have. So i kick them off the computer and set up a password. I go back downstairs to find them having Skittle Wars. which i mite add was fun, until Kriss managed to make a shelf fall out of the wall. (and kriss dont get mad @ me, im merely re-telling the story =0 !) So i dont know this yet, and all i do know is that Kriss and Julia are in the washroom to avoid being hit with skittles, and all of a sudden, theres this noise, and kriss comes out and goes, " of......fell." So we go into the washroom and the shelf behind the dryer where all the laundry detergent is is on the ground; the laundry detergent bottles are all over the place, and theres like three dents in the dryer vent where laundry detergent fell on it. So Im standing there, speechless, and kriss kinda left. So I'm trying to get the shelf back in the wall, and it wont because the little white tabs that were holding it in are split, and half is still on the wall, and the other half are attached to the shelf. So finally i go and get mother and bry and jess are there, about to leave, when i tell her, and bry looks at me, and then at mom and goes, "you want me to stay?" it was funny. ok. so. mom tells him no and she goes downstairs w. me. she made Kriss go and help clean up, and when we finished, i go upstairs to find kerri and chelle pretending to sleep on my bed. so they ask kwhat happened, and when i tell them, kerri goes, "That's it. Ali, you stay here, i Have to go yell at Kristen." and michelle goes, "Yeah Ali. Just hang out up here until you fell better." So Kerri comes back and goes "Kriss is crying and she says it wasn't all her fault." So i go downstairs and kriss proceeds to tell me that Julia took laundry detergent down and gave it to kriss who put it back on the shelf which then decided to collapse. I am making no comment on this bit. So. past the shelf fiasco, not much happened. I got a very good amount of presents, and $65. which like, trippled my christmas gift money! so now everyone gets nice presents! =). ok. so now its 7:00....everyone leaves except ash and meaghan, because im driving them to the dance. so we pick up kerri, and show up at udall, and it was so funny. we put our coats away, rite? and we're walking into the gym, and we're walking side by side, and we're all wearing pink, and rite as we turn into the doors, there's this wind from the door opening, and it blows all our hair back, like it was a movie, and we walk into the gym and kriss immediatly goes, "Whoa. That was like......Mean Girls." It was so funny. You had to see the movie to get that bit tho. So now its the dance, which i mite add was soooo lame. No one came because everyone knew it was only going to be 7th and 8th grade, and who's young moldable minds are we going to corrupt, if not the sixth graders? so there was like, maybe 7o people there. which is such a lame turn out. and zeitler kept turning the lights on and off, and what fun is it to dance in flourescent lighting? so the lame dance ends and ash, kerri, meaghan, jenn, and kriss come back to the house for the sleepover. Which was pretty good. We were gonna watch Hot Chick, and we're all ready, when we realize there's no DVD player downstairs, and since it's only 11:30, mom's still upstairs watching TV. So we talked until like 2:30, and then Kriss goes, "I really wanna watch the movie!" so we all go upstairs, at 2 am, and watch Hot Chick. and when it's finished at like 4......we're all pretty much dead. so we go back downstairs, and after eating one cookie, jenn and kerri pass out. i dont blame them. jenn was really sick and kerri doesnt usually last past 1 am. so me, kriss, ash, and meaghan are sitting, half asleep, eating whats left of the candy and cookies, and of course, 2o minutes later, we're all so sugar high and hyper it was frightening. so we're like, wrestling over mr. crabs, (my crabby, plushy husband ;) :P :) and listening to Good Charlotte(the volume was pretty low), at 5 am. This didn't last long. by like 5:45, we were all half asleep again. so we decided to go to sleep. Normally we would be up until about 7:30, but, the dance wore us all out, so we all woke up at like 9:30. and we talked. and we watched the Westbrook play from when i was in 5th grade, Annie and Oliver, and we were laughing at all our friends who are guys and how completely stupid and infantile they looked. and then we had french toast and everyone left, and managed to forget half their stuff. and then i thoroughly cleaned downstairs, and then i watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (my b-day gift from Emily). I <3 that movie. lol. So that was my birthday bash. And this is like the longest post ever. =).
(= .The End. =)


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