Thursday, December 15, 2005

Rethinking it.....

apparenlty budweiser is not the family beer favorite. so im switching to corona. corona is good rite? tastes ok anyways. let's see if that will fly with the sises. or would it be sis's. im confuzzling myself again. the doctor said thinking was bad for my brain. the point is, perhaps you guys will be ok with corona. because guess what? i am from the moon and my civilazation is far more advanced then you could ever comprehend with 100% of your brain. you see there is no gravity on the moon; therefore our high-jump is beyond all measurement.
that was todays indirect ATHF quote. here is today's direct ATFH quote:
Shake: C'mon dawg! I mean, you get're black!
Frylock*stares at shake*
Shake: sound black......."
Frylock*continues to stare at Shake*
Shake: .....Where are you from?"
Meatwad: GODAMNIT! Who cares?!
well.....much love, and wishing for luck with the big b-day bash 2morrow.......


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