Friday, November 24, 2006

blog-day update.

yeah, so tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of my blog. there will be a celebratory post and all. forgive me if i'm not quite enthusiastic at the moment; i'm having a rather bad day, and the only solution i see to it is to take a nice shower and then snuggle into bed and watch many, many episodes of alias with Big Teddy as my sole companion. at some point i'll wake up, probably to mom and her flipping out about why i feel the need to sleep so late on a firday morning, when half the family is here, and i'll probably just stare at her for a few minutes and then go back to bed.
so, leave me to it.
oh, right, before i go. i have a question about my ipod i was hoping someone might answer. everytime i update it from the computer, i notice that i've suddenly lost like, have of the tv shows in a series' playlist. and like, they're still on itunes, just not the ipod. and i'm not deleting them or something without realizing it, i already checked that out. so if anyone knows why this is happening and how to avoid it and possibly re-sync said shows to ipod, could they please let me know?


Blogger lauren williams said...

0h boo..i'm sorry you had a bad day...charles williams iii and i miss you very much. please come visit us soon. i would say we will come visit you, but getting charles to go to long island is nearly impossible. i hope the alias marathon with big teddy made you feel at least a little better. love you...xoxoxxoxoxoxoxlo

12:32 AM  

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