Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the stupidest things.

you know when you watch the cute little chick-flick, with the gorgeous guy and the heartbroken girl, and at the end they kiss and the screen pans out and 'the end' or '....and they lived happily ever after' comes up on the screen? do you ever wonder what it would be like for them six months later? would they still be living the fairytale? would there still be the dramatic scenes where she gets to cry in his arms and he tells her how beautiful she is, even though she looks horrible? would they still use sappy little comebacks that end in a kiss everytime the other one made a joke?
god i wish that would be. but somehow, when i think of how the relationship would probably progress, i always see a break-up down the road. like, maybe the guy had this obsession with sleeping around, and now it's like, 'wow, you're it. i'll never be with anyone but you.' well, somehow i feel like in a few months, he'll be right back in bed with the chick he picked up at the bar earlier. and then bam! the fairytale's over. because guess what? it wouldn't have really have worked long anyway.
i don't even know.
it's the stupidest things that make you think.
whatever. i'm going to bed now.


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