Sunday, December 03, 2006


yeah, so.....i was in the city today, to see the tree. and on the way out, we were passing the array of billboards that you can't escape from when trying to get home.
so one of them is an advertisement for 1-800-MATTRESS. yeah.
and the picture on this billboard was the shoulders and heads of this guy and girl. and they girl's laying on top of the guy. and no clothes are obviously visible on either.
and that's not even the best part.
on this billboard, with these naked people, laying on top of eachother, is the statement 'sleep with us.'
um, hello? did i just like, miss the memo that informed everyone that 1-800-mattress has suddenly decided to launch their new signature line of billboard advertising, appropiatly named 'sleaze'? because, quite honestly, i have no desire to sleep with 1-800-mattress. i'm just not the matress-ey type.
so please, holla if this is news to you as well, because really, it's not even that great of a company. and they therefore have no right to have such overly sexual commercials.
calvin klein, on the other hand, they can keep it up with their shirtless men on billboards. no problem there.

this is said ad. gross. no one needs to see this.


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