Sunday, January 01, 2006

--> tHe nEw yEaR! <--

its the new year everyone! which, ironically, is also the name of a song by one of my favorite bands. and is also my new myspace song....special for 2006. so i just wanted to say happy new year! and good luck with your resoultions! my personal resolution was "to hell with resolutions."
=). i even wrote a poem for the new year! cuz im crazy like that.
>tHe oLd yEaR hAs cOmE aNd gOnE....aNoTheR yEaR bRiNgS iN tHe dAwN.....rEsOlUtIoNs fIlL tHe aIr......sO tHiS lAsT dRiNk mUsT wE nOw sHaRe.<
=) poems are fun! <3 i have to go now.....CI is still having a marathon on USA....even tho technically it isn't new year's eve's 2:15 on new years day......but shhhh! im not telling them. so merry new years to all and to all a good morning!
<3nEw yEaRs....a tImE fOr rEs0lUtIoNs, lEfT ovEr mArDi gRaS dEcOrAtIoNs, aNd cHeAp cHaMpAiGn. <3
hell yeah. rock on america.


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