Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Udall-A place to learn, to grow, to achieve.

well that's our school motto, which i must say i find rather hysterical, because honestly, most of the things we do in school are anything but the three categories in the title. here, ill give you an example. Home Ec, a week ago:
Chris decides that the name "Chris" is not cool enough for him. So he re-names himself "Pina Colada Chris" a.k.a. P.C.C. or Mr. P.C.C. for short. so we're all like riiiiiiiiiight. So now its Tuesday, and I'm in Science. Tara comes in and i'm really bored so i get up and go to her desk to talk to her before the late bell rings. She tell's me her name is Tequila Tara. So I'm like, "Chris is apparentaly Pina Colada Chris now." So she's like, "Yeah, he ave me and Frankie names too, but i dont remember what Frankie's was." so now im like, "I want a cool alcoholic name!" So she tells me to ask Chris. So now it's 7th period Home Ec and i go "Chris, give me a cool alcoholic name! Like Tara's!" so now him and Corey are sitting there, trying to figure out a name for me. Finally Chris is like, "You like vodka?" and im like, "No, not particularly......" so Chris is like "Oh well, you get to be Absolute Ali." and Im like, "Ok, but I don't like vodka!" But Chris just goes back to his table. So now i'm sitting there, trying to think up another alcoholic beverage that starts with A, and all of a sudden i jump up and im like, "Chris!!! I want to be Appletini!!! Even if they suck!!!" and Chris is like, "Nope, that's it. You change your name and you're out of the club." first of all, who ever said anything about a club?!?!?!? but anyway, so then corey's like, "No, you're still in, and you can be Appletini." so snap, now i have a cool alcoholic name! and that should show you how completly wrong our school motto is. =)


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