Monday, January 02, 2006

Udall Wars Episode VI: Return of Hell

oh shit. hell returns. on tuesday. allow me to clarify; hell returns. tomorrow. does it frighten anyone else that vacation is over? i'll tell you right now, it's scaring the crap out of me. i've been gone over a week! i can't be expected to merely "shift back in" to polite society! oh wait. since when is society polite? yeah, someone seriously needs to tell those early 20th century writers or whoever came up with that term that society has *never* been polite. nor do i expect they ever will be polite. because if society in general is polite, than the samplings i've had of it have been rather poor. ok how did i get on this subject? oh yes.
i will not merely shift back into society! i will probably be falling asleep in math, which can't happen, because my average in math already sucks as it is. *sigh*
our board of education people are idiots. all of them. and i swear, half our teachers are on steroids. because seriously, there is no way possible that anyone can be that awake at 8 am on a monday morning. or any morning for that matter. it's physically, mentally, emotionally, ethically, morally, and simply impossible. speaking of being awake.....i'm yawning. and it's only 1:30. terrible. usually i can make it to at least 2:30, mostly 3. the other day i didnt sleep at all. all night. and then i didnt sleep all day. by 8 pm that night, i had been awake for over 30 hours straight. tip: don't ever try going out to BestBuy when it's 6:30 pm and you haven't slept in over 28 hours. it doesnt go over well with the people there if you're hysterical laughing for no reason and clinging to your mother so you don't fall over, because to them it looks like you're a mental patient, and that frightens them. so i'm off to bed i suppose. don't want to sleep away my last day of freedom. =(.
p.s: insomnia and starvation are apparently the conditions under which i do my best writing. i wrote for five hours straight that day. disturbing. if my writing career does happen, ill look absolutely terrible by the time i'm 35. thats why i have my back-up career as an A.D.A. as plan b. =).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello you crazy cat. Aimee and I will be sure to properly feed you and put you to sleep when it becomes dangerous for you. You will always have food at our place, girlie! And lots of space to roam around at 3am with at least two poochies at your heels. RVA in da house!


9:02 AM  

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