Monday, October 22, 2007

scratch that last post, then.
so i'm highly depressed about colbert's pullout from the 2008 elections; my hope, once again, for someone who isn't a complete shithead to run our country, is crushed. but whatever; i'm used to it by now. i mean, how much worse can it get? the republican-controlled supreme court is re-writing the only thing that makes us a functioning republic; the glaciers are melting because of global warming and our president is concerned that bans on energy and pollutants to help slow the process will "stunt economic progression"; i mean, who cares if we die because sea-level rises 500 feet and wipes out our system of agriculture, leaving us starving to death due to overpopulation issues, as long as the economy is fine, we're all fine. oh, and let's not forget the threat of nuclear war with any of the following countries:
-north korea
-saudi arabia
and if half the other countries weren't so damn poor because our world-help orginizations don't do shit, they'd probably be developing and threatening us with nukes too. oh, and remember cuba? how we've been cutting them off for the last 30 or so years because they don't believe in an economic hierarchy? yeah, i'm sure they'll be kind and accepting when we're dying because we've had the shit bombed out of us and need some aid because our president is a foreign-affairs dumbass.

i'm just a little bit stressed about this, if you hadn't noticed. and i wish kv was still around, because he was the first one to notice when our government went to shit, and i trust his judgement.

we're saved.

dear god, i am so excited.
in case you somehow hadn't already heard, stephen colbert, of the colbert report (the t's are silent) has announced his plans to run for president. first he's running in south carolina, but if he wins the primaries, think about it, he'll be a presidential candidate=)
wouldn't that so kick ass?
i mean, really, some people have this fear that he'll fuck up really bad, but first of all, i think he'll be perfect, and second, the way i see it, we elected george bush as president twice, and there's no way stephen could fuck things up worse than "g.w." already has. and think, if he wins, that would be awesome! and if he were to make jon his v.p. that would be even better=) this is so ironic; when i first bought my "stewart/colbert '08" shirt, i used to think how hysterically awesome it would be if they decided to run; they'd freaking own the ballots in at the very least ny and ca, probably more too; but i never thought they actually would. it blows my mind. god i'm so excited!
now i want to buy his book.=)