Sunday, January 29, 2006

and yet......more life.

soooooooooooooooooo. guess what? this week, the singing midget man learned a new trick. now he can hop and spin at the same time! snaps for the singing midget.
oh and did i mention they're all crackheads?


anyhoo..........just had to say that.......sos love you all.....

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

life...once again.

oh and if you want to do something drastic like protesting or, you know, burning it down or something else like's this giant building in smithtown. i forget the name. you can't blame me, the place is freakin hell. and the short pesky singer-man frightens me........=0
anyhoo.....just some helpful hints, *cough cough*.
love you all always!
♥ ali**=)


oh please, i *beg* of you. regulate to the fullest extent of all that is good and merciful in this world.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

life.... today was.....shall we say..."interesting". everyone stands up to sing and they're all clapping and swaying and doing other psychotic things....and then you see me. and im standing there, arms crossed and still in my coat, trying to maintain some semblence of sanity. needless to say, they were all staring at me as though i was an alien, which is somewhat frightening, seeing as how i was actually being normal. and then to top it all, the pesky short singer-man starts hopping up and down while he's singing. seriously, someone needs to cut back on the steroids, because i think it was more than he could handle today. oh and apparently, i'm a friend of jesus. why wasn't i informed of this when i needed that $900.00 laptop? why?
alright, im done making fun of the freakin crackheads at ♥
more later maybe.

Friday, January 20, 2006

i haven't posted in's been rather busy.....midterms, ela's, projects. i've just been informed that the ataris and death cab both suck and that half of my taste in music does as well, and that apparently, my aim profile is emo.....even though im not a big emo fan....because i like *good* music. like classic rock. and the ataris. and death cab. lol. anyhoo......chuckie cheese was a rapist in his last life. yup. he was stalking my friends the other day. first he hugged them and he wouldn't let go....then he was following them around. don't you just love long island man? only here can you find people that actually think sheryl crow can sing. at least i hope only here. if it's elsewhere, try to contain it.....we don't want too many people believing the lies. tired, so ill leave with a promise of attempting to update, because mostly this is like a journal for's easier to write under the pretense someone will read it then if i'm writing to myself.


Sunday, January 08, 2006

and so it begins.

they're here. lauren and charles and jordan. they're all here. as a matter of fact, we just finished talking about all those wonderful things that are completely unique to long island. and the ball family. (and aim if you're reading this, charles saw the wall of pictures and he saw all your pictures and just so you know, he considers that very good dirt on you AND lauren. just thought you ought to know. =). anyway, they're sleeping now, only lauren's still awake, so we're just chillin and talking, b.c mom invited the entirety of our extended family (the ones who still like us at least) to come and meet everyone, so people are just stopping by right now.
just a quick informative post! =)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Barnes&Noble-The Place to Be.

after christmas and my birthday, i had amassed $65 in Barnes&Noble gift cards. hell i love these people. so i've been meaning to go and buy some stuff that i've been wanting for awhile. so i went today.=)
i <3 barnes&noble.
and i bought just about everything that i wanted and i still have $17.00 left in gift cards. so here's what i bought:(once again, i am seriously becoming obsessed with lists here, people. anyone know a good psychiatrist? b.c there's no way it's normal.)
  • The Westing Game- I read it in 5th grade, and it was good, i just has no flipping idea what was going on. so i'm going to read it again.
  • Timequake-i think this is by kurt vonnegut sr., not jr. though i'm not sure. i've been meaning to read it though, it looks good. they really like stuff about the end of the world...
  • Welcome to the Monkey House- this one's by kurt vonnegut jr i beleive. it's all short stories, but it sounds good.
  • and last but not least, a new journal, because the one lauren got me the year before last is nearly done. it's so cool tho, it's black and it says "It was the best of times...." in silver, and then on the back it says "It was the worst of times....". i thought it was cool. i mite end up using it as a notebook tho, because i'm running out of space in my big notebook, so i mite end up having to buy another journal anyways.

alrite im done. once again i have a weird obsession with lists lately.

lists are fun!!!! like a million dollar bill on fire!!!!! lol, if u didn't watch bricks are fun, you wont get that. but here's the link if you want to.

knock yourself out.


Udall Wars Episode VI: Return of Hell

oh shit. hell returns. on tuesday. allow me to clarify; hell returns. tomorrow. does it frighten anyone else that vacation is over? i'll tell you right now, it's scaring the crap out of me. i've been gone over a week! i can't be expected to merely "shift back in" to polite society! oh wait. since when is society polite? yeah, someone seriously needs to tell those early 20th century writers or whoever came up with that term that society has *never* been polite. nor do i expect they ever will be polite. because if society in general is polite, than the samplings i've had of it have been rather poor. ok how did i get on this subject? oh yes.
i will not merely shift back into society! i will probably be falling asleep in math, which can't happen, because my average in math already sucks as it is. *sigh*
our board of education people are idiots. all of them. and i swear, half our teachers are on steroids. because seriously, there is no way possible that anyone can be that awake at 8 am on a monday morning. or any morning for that matter. it's physically, mentally, emotionally, ethically, morally, and simply impossible. speaking of being awake.....i'm yawning. and it's only 1:30. terrible. usually i can make it to at least 2:30, mostly 3. the other day i didnt sleep at all. all night. and then i didnt sleep all day. by 8 pm that night, i had been awake for over 30 hours straight. tip: don't ever try going out to BestBuy when it's 6:30 pm and you haven't slept in over 28 hours. it doesnt go over well with the people there if you're hysterical laughing for no reason and clinging to your mother so you don't fall over, because to them it looks like you're a mental patient, and that frightens them. so i'm off to bed i suppose. don't want to sleep away my last day of freedom. =(.
p.s: insomnia and starvation are apparently the conditions under which i do my best writing. i wrote for five hours straight that day. disturbing. if my writing career does happen, ill look absolutely terrible by the time i'm 35. thats why i have my back-up career as an A.D.A. as plan b. =).

Sunday, January 01, 2006

--> tHe nEw yEaR! <--

its the new year everyone! which, ironically, is also the name of a song by one of my favorite bands. and is also my new myspace song....special for 2006. so i just wanted to say happy new year! and good luck with your resoultions! my personal resolution was "to hell with resolutions."
=). i even wrote a poem for the new year! cuz im crazy like that.
>tHe oLd yEaR hAs cOmE aNd gOnE....aNoTheR yEaR bRiNgS iN tHe dAwN.....rEsOlUtIoNs fIlL tHe aIr......sO tHiS lAsT dRiNk mUsT wE nOw sHaRe.<
=) poems are fun! <3 i have to go now.....CI is still having a marathon on USA....even tho technically it isn't new year's eve's 2:15 on new years day......but shhhh! im not telling them. so merry new years to all and to all a good morning!
<3nEw yEaRs....a tImE fOr rEs0lUtIoNs, lEfT ovEr mArDi gRaS dEcOrAtIoNs, aNd cHeAp cHaMpAiGn. <3
hell yeah. rock on america.